About us

2011 On September 27, when World Tourism Day is celebrated, the newly established Chamber of Tourism of the Republic of Lithuania was officially presented in Vilnius by 8 business associations representing different tourism sectors - National Tourism Business Association, Lithuanian Castles and Manors Association, Lithuanian Resorts Association, National SPA Association, Lithuanian Camping Association, Lithuanian Association of Private Health Care Institutions, Lithuanian Rural Tourism Association, Lithuanian Hotel and Restaurant Association.

In 2012, the Lithuanian Golf Federation joined the Chamber of Tourism of the Republic of Lithuania. 2017 - Lithuanian Association of Tourism Information Centers.

2011-2013 Evalda Šiškauskienė was elected President of the Lithuanian Chamber of Tourism.

2014-2016 Žydrė Gavelienė headed the Lithuanian Chamber of Tourism.

2017 Linas Žabaliūnas became the President of the Lithuanian Chamber of Tourism on a rotating basis for two years.

The main functions of the Chamber of Tourism of the Republic of Lithuania: Problem solving of inbound tourism business in public authorities; Active participation in shaping the image of Lithuanian tourism; Absorption of EU support to promote inbound tourism; Absorption of EU support and other projects in order to compete for international markets with Lithuania's neighboring countries Estonia and Latvia, introducing and promoting new tourism products.

The Chamber of Tourism of the Republic of Lithuania promotes and activates the following priority directions of tourism:

Cultural tourism

Health tourism

Active tourism

Conference tourism

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